Omdia: in 2028, LTPO will overtake LTPS as the OLED backplane of choice for smartphones, by 2031 520 million LTPO smartphones will ship

Omdia says that in 2028, LTPO will overtake LTPS as the leading smartphone OLED backplane technology. By 2031, smartphone LTPO OLED panel shipments will reach 520 million units, with a 52% market share (of all smartphone OLED displays).

Omdia sees the smartphone OLED market rising in the next 10 years. In 2031, over one billion OLED smartphone panels will ship. In 2024, Omdia sees a sharp increase of 24% in smartphone OLED shipments (compared to 2023), which will surpass 800 million units. 


The growth of LTPO AMOLED panel shipments will be around 8% CAGR between 2022 and 2031. LTPS OLED shipments will actually contract 1% annually during the period. 

Posted: Aug 08,2024 by Ron Mertens