JOLED (Japan OLED) was established in August 2014 by Japan Display, Sony and Panasonic with an aim to become an OLED medium display (10-30 inch) producer. JOLED is using a printing process which should result in lower cost production (but of lower performance displays) compared to evaporation printing.
JOLED's R&D Division Manager spoke at the PF&E China conference a couple of weeks ago, detailing the company's process. JOLED is producing RGB-strip OLED panels using ink-jet printers made by Panasonic and PLED materials produced by Sumitomo. The OLED structure is based on Sony's technology and the backplane is a transparent amorphous oxide semiconductor.
JOLED also presented the chart above that shows how the power consumption of its OLED panels (earlier prototypes were by Sony/Panasonic/JDI) was reduced - by 98% since the beginning of 2008.
JOLED plans, as detailed in the conference, is to start mass production in 2019. According to earlier reports, JOLED plans to start producing prototype OLED panels in the second half of 2017, based on its existing 4.5-gen pilot line. JOLED developed a 21.6" UHD panel and actually aims to start offering the panel in 2017 to medical monitor makers and other commercial applications. JDI recently increased its stake in JOLED and may end up integrating the OLED business.