Analyst firm IDTechEx has just released their new market forecasts for OLED displays. IDTechEx expects the market will reach nearly $1.6 billion this year and will grow to $57 billion in 2026.
For the last two years, the company has correctly predicted that plastic OLED and flexible OLED would be the major trend in displays. In the latest report, IDTechEx has revised their market forecast upwards based on the planned increase in production capacity.
IDTechEx says the market for plastic and flexible AMOLED will reach $18 billion by 2020. The two main segments are currently smart phones and wearable devices such as the Apple Watch. Once the technology becomes more mature it will be possible to use it in automotive displays.
New applications in wearable devices such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are now offering new opportunities for OLED display manufacturers.
IDTechEx will be exhibiting at SID Display Week in San Francisco next week to present their research on emerging materials and technologies which include OLED, quantum dots, wearables, and printed electronics. During the event, IDTechEx analysts will be speaking in the Symposium and in the Exhibitor’s Forum.
This is a sponsored post from IDTechEx