Apple reportedly testing iWatch prototypes with RiTDisplay 1.5" PMOLED displays

Back in December 2012 we posted a new Apple OLED rumor - about the iWatch: a bluetooth smart watch that has a 1.5" touch PMOLED, apparently made by RitDisplay. In February 2013 the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal both posted about this rumor.

Today these rumors resurfaced. This time Taiwan's Economic Times reported that Apple had made some prototypes with a 1.8" PMOLED, but decided they were too large. Now they are testing 1.5" PMOLEDs, and have ordered a thousand units from Foxconn - for internal experimentation.

So are these rumors true? I don't know, but I do hope that Apple will finally use an OLED in one of their products. I would have preferred an OLED iPhone or iPad of course...

Posted: May 22,2013 by Ron Mertens