NeoView Kolon now offers transparent PMOLED displays and lighting panels

A few weeks ago we reported about a new Indonesian phone with a 2.4" transparent OLED panel, reportedly made by NeoView Kolon. Today I checked NeoView's site, and indeed it seems that the company is now shipping transparent PMOLED panels - and also OLED lighting panels.

NeoView offers four different transparent PMOLEDs: 2.41" 240x342, 16M-colors panels, a 1.98" 128x160 panel (262K colors) and monochrome (blue or white) 1.3" panels. Lifetime is quoted at 10,000 @40% on (I don't think they mean LT40, but that's not very clear).

NeoView Kolon also lists OLED lighting panels at their site, including transparent panels, ranging from 50x50 mm to 100x100 mm in size. Neoview's panels feature either cool white or warm white color, 1,000 cd/m2 luminance (average) and about 73% transmittance.

The company also offers opaque OLED Lighting panels that come in three different sizes (50x50 mm, 100x50 mm and 150x50mm). They also offer opaque (regular) PMOLEDs - from 1.04" 96x64 65K-color ones to 2" 128x160 262K color ones.;

We don't have any more information besides what's available at their web site.

Posted: Aug 09,2012 by Ron Mertens


Does anyone know the transparency index of the pmoleds? 70%?