DSCC sees a slow recovery in SDC's flexible OLED utilization rates, details its smartphone OLED prices and production costs

DSCC released its cost and prices estimates for Samsung's smartphone OLEDs. For rigid OLEDs production costs range from $23 for a 5.5" FHD AMOLED to $32 for a 7.21" 2244x1080 one (see chart below). For some of its rigid OLEDs, SDC enjoys a high operating margin of 30%.

SDC rigid OLED production cost and price (Q4 2018, DSCC)

Flexible OLEDs are of course much more expensive - a 5.5" 2560x1440 panel costs almost $70, while a 6.46" 2688x1242 panel costs around $90 (as can be seen in the chart below). As in rigid OLEDs, the larger displays have a higher operating margin (up to 26% for the 6.46" panel).

You can compare DSCC's production costs estimates with the recently released IHS production costs here. IHS estimates a 5.7" rigid OLED at $18.62 (DSCC: 5.8" at $23) and a 5.8" flexible OLED at $22.61 (DSCC: 5.5" costs $70 - that's quite a difference!).

 SDC flexible OLED production cost and price (Q4 2018, DSCC)

DSCC also details its forecasts for SDC flexible OLED panel production costs and prices from 2016 to 2022, shown below for a 6" 2160x1080 panel. While DSCC sees some possibility for cost reductions (new driver chip architectures and lower cost cover glasses, for example), if these are not implemented DSCC sees SDC suffering from negative operating margins (even though the panels will be cash positive).

SDC 6'' flexible OLED production costs and prices (2016-2022, DSCC)

DSCC expects SDC's flexible OLED fab to suffer from low utilization throughout the forecast period. DSCC sees a slow recovery in SDC's utilization rates: from 54% in 2019 to 69% in 2022 and 81% in 2022.

Posted: Jan 29,2019 by Ron Mertens