Historic company listing - Page 10


Sim4tec was a provider of scientific software in the field of organic electronics, with the end users being research labs, universities or industrial customers.

Sim4tec's main product was SimOLED, a comprehensive simulation software for electrical simulation of OLEDs. The company went out of business in 2016.


SmartDisplays Xian logoSmartdisplays (Xi'an) is a display supplier based in the Hi-Tech Development Zone of Xi'an, China.

The company offers PMOLED and AMOLED displays from several producers in China and Asia.

Solvay OLED

Solvay OLED, based in Pittsburgh, US, was established in 2014 by Solvay after the acquisition of Plextronics. Solvay OLED, an internal start-up owned by Solvay, handled all of Solvay's OLED activities - mostly focused on soluble HIL and HTL OLED materials - but also developing small-molecule hosts and other technologies.

The company had two dedicated laboratories located in Pittsburgh and in Korea as well as scale up capabilities in France. Solvay OLED was dissolved in 2016 as Solvay decided to exit the OLED market.


StoreDot logoStoreDot, based in Israel, was established in 2011 to develop and commercialize new peptide-based technology originally discovered in Tel Aviv University. The technology enabled the synthesis of quantum dots based on bio-materials for a variety of application.

In 2015 the company changed direction from focusing on memory technology to the display market. In 2016 we visited StoreDot's headquarters and reported on the company's technology and business. Later on the company changed direction again to focus on fast-charging EV batteries.

The OLED Association

The OLED Association (OLED-A) is a membership forum for the interchange of technical and market information. 

OLED-A serves its membership by fostering the more rapid development of OLED technology and OLED products, serving as a resource on OLED markets and products for media and investors, functioning as a catalyst in the development of standards for OLEDs and providing a forum to promote and market OLED technology products.



TMDisplay (Toshiba Mobile Display), a small display maker was founded in 2002 as a JV between Toshiba and Matsushita, later on it was wholly owned by Toshiba and then merged into Japan Display together with the small display units of Sony and Hitachi.

TMDisplay was involved with OLED displays (both small molecule and PLEDs as a CDT licensee) and were even producing AMOLED panels (up to 3.5") in small volumes, but in October 2010 the company says that their OLED display plans are frozen.


UPDATE: TPO has been acquired by Chimey-Innolux in the end of 2009. We still have to wait and see how it effects the company's OLED program...

TPO was born as a merge between two display companies - Toppoly and Philips MDS in 2006. Toppoly had been researching AMOLED displays with plans to mass-produce small sized panels.

Tridonic Dresden

Tridonic logoTridonic Dresden (formerly LEDON OLED Lighting) was an OLED lighting company established in October 2009 as a joint-venture between the Zumtobel group and the Fraunhofer IPMS institute. In July 2013 the Zumtobel group acquired its partners shares in the company and renamed it to Tridonic Dresden.

Tridonic Dresden used to focus on complete OLED lighting solutions and concept using panels from from Osram, Fraunhofer's COMEDD and LG Chem. The company was closed in 2016 and Tridonic's Dresden location is closed.