OLED TVs will have to find new ways to compete with LCDs

Tech-On has posted an interesting article about OLED TV status. They discuss the situation of the technology, why is it so difficult to make a large OLED panel, and how are the various TV makers trying to solve the issues.

I think the two most interesting points are:

  • They suggest that because LCDs have got so good in terms of efficiency,thinness and quality, it'll be hard for OLEDs to compete. Instead companies try to open new markets with transparent or flexible OLEDs, things that cannot be done with LCDs. Indeed we can see Samsung, Sony and LG all showing these kinds of displays. I think we may also add 3D OLED TVs to the mix here.
  • They say that LG plans to volume produce 20" OLED panels in 2010. This is the first time we hear of such plans (beside a promise for 'larger panels' a few weeks ago). LG also plans 30" OLED TVs in 2011, and 40" in 2012.
Posted: Feb 01,2010 by Ron Mertens


Please oh please don't infer that OLED won't take over for LCD! I mean, in the long run, isn't it inevitable? Oled is clearly better, uses less power and, from what I have read, has the potential to be cheaper because of the way they are made (the oled particles are sort of "ink jet printed" onto the display sheet).

Is this not true? All I know is I don't want to be stuck with LCD forever!

Graphic artists and home theater buffs (like me) are sick to death of the lack of true black, shifting colors, motion smearing and poor contrast.

OLED is basically all the image quality of a CRT with the ease and convenince of LCD.

Although I don't hear much talk about it, I can only assume after phones we'll see oled screens in laptops - I mean it seems like a natural progression, and anything that improve battery life on mobile devices is alway good!

And, as a graphics professional, I REALLY am dying for desktop monitors! Give me a 24" oled display for my PC for under a grand and I'll be very, very happy.

What do you think, next year? I sure hope so.

Come on, oled, let's shift thing into high gear!

Obviously we all hope that OLEDs will take over LCDs. And yeah - they have the potential to actually be cheaper because they are much more simple in design. 

But it is also true that LCDs are getting better. I remember a few years ago, when talking to UDC, and they said that the true competition is LCDs, and not P-OLEDs. I guess they were right.

The major problem is that companies aren't willing to commit a lot of money to making OLEDs. But it seems that at least Samsung are using more and more OLEDs in their small devices, and soon they'll have much more capacity. And LG are also seriously into OLEDs, and they actually talk about larger displays. 

So yeah - you *might* have an OLED laptop in 2011. Maybe. ;-)


Yes I know the OLED on mobile, digital camera and OLED TV the picture quality are far much better then any LCD.

The OLED Samsung mobile phone the picture quality are far much better then iPhone! I got both Samsung mobile and Samsung WB1000 digital camera. I use my OLED camera when I went to Italy in last summer and it have very strong daylight in outside and I have no trouble to see OLED on camera when I taking the photo and ever sometime I still wear sunglasses to see OLED!

When I went up to Scotland lot of people who live in Scotland who still use CRT TV and one who brought 2nd CRT widescreen in late last year to replace there old CRT TV because there who don't like to buy new LCD TV because there think any new LCD picture quality is worse then any old CRT TV!

Also lot of my friends who want to store and have looked any LCD TV and there say about LCD picture is very bad!

All LCD TV the picture quality are far below UK standard broadcast include BBC!

Many LCD TV in UK and the price is very cheap now. But I think I seen not many people who interesting to buy it at all!

In 1988 and I first time I saw LCD pocket TV ever before so it don't have able to make in any large LCD TV as like today for many year until in about 1999. So it sound it do same as OLED to take time to make getting bigger. But OLED to make larger screen much faster then LCD at that time. I am sure all maker will take time to make larger OLED screen from mobile.

I still use CRT monitor on this computer and good CRT widescreen TV with digital TV set up box with hard disk and the picture quality from BBC is much better then any LCD TV in HD. So I can't wait to get any OLED TV when in large screen in come out on market.

When many more OLED TV coming to market in few year time and I wise many store will take off any LCD TV from shelf!

Television LCDs may have been getting better, but LCD for computing is still awful.