The Nokia N9 is now available unlocked for $500, will ship on September 23rd

Nokia said they will not launch the N9 in the US (it's a rather limited launch, really) - but you can actually buy it unlocked in for $500 (or $650 for the 64Gb model).

The N9 is Nokia's first Meego phone - and it sports a 3.9" AMOLED display (854x480, we're not sure if it's a CBD display), 16 to 64 GB memory, 1GB RAM, Bluetooth, NFC, Wi-Fi, compass and GPS. There's a 8mp F2.2 camera capable of 720p video. The phone is 'wrapped' in a polycarbonate shell and comes in three colors. Applications are Qt 4.7 compatible and HTML5 support in built in.

Posted: Aug 15,2011 by Ron Mertens


Just preordered the 64GB version of Nokia N9. Can't wait until I get it.

The Nokia N9 Smartphone will be one of the best phones on the market because it's equipped with the latest technology features.…