Varjo VR-1

Finland-based Varjo's VR-1 is a high-end VR headset that uses the company's Foveated Display technology - that optically combines a microdisplay over a larger display - to achieve high angular resolution in a small area in the center of the display.

Varjo VR-1 photo

The VR-1 uses two OLED displays - a Sony 0.7" ECX335AF-7 1920x1080 OLED microdisplay and a 1440x1600 low persistence AMOLED. They call the combined display a "Bionic Display". Other features include eye tracking and support for several 3D engines, including Unreal, Unity and VRED.


The VR-1 is now available to buy for 999 Euro.

OLED type:  

FHD OLED Microdisplay and a 1440x1600 VR AMOLED

Posted:   Feb 21,2019 by Ron Mertens