Kodak OLED updates
In June 2008, I interviewed Corey Hewitt and Dr. James Buntaine from Kodak OLED Systems.
Mr. Corey Hewitt is the co-general manager, operations manager and VP of Kodak OLED Systems. Dr. James Buntaine is the second co-general manager, and also the CTO and VP.
They were kind enough to send us an update on Kodak's OLED program and market outlook:
Kodak OLED Technology Update & Advancements
Kodak expertise and experience lies in material discovery, organic layer design, mechanistic understanding, image science, panel/module design, and manufacturing technology. These key value drivers associated with the Kodak technology, know-how and patents, maintain Kodak as an industry leader in enabling both the OLED flat-panel display and OLED solid-state lighting industries. Provided below are selected key areas technology and Kodak accomplishments: