Sony delays their larger OLED TV (the XEL-2?) to 2010

The Wall Street Journal claims that Sony will delay its larger OLED TV (the XEL-2?) to 2010. Sony knows that Making the large TV will be a loss-making move, and they do not want more losses this year in their TV business.

Sony 27 OLED prototype (2008)
Sony 27-inch OLED TV prototypeIn may 2008, Sony announced that they will release a 27" OLED TV within 12 months. Later on there were rumors that the new TV will be released in September 2009, during IFA 2009. In April 2009, Sony showed a new 21" OLED HDTV prototype

Sony has been selling the XEL-1 (11", for 2,500$) for almost two years. They admitted that they actually lose money on each unit sold... 

Posted: Aug 18,2009 by Ron Mertens