Samsung Display: we develop blue OLED emitter technologies, both PHOLED and TADF based

Samsung Display's Lee Chang-hee, VP and head of SDC's research center, gave a talk during K-Display 2024, and updated that Samsung is progressing towards a next-generation blue OLED emitter technology in two tracks.

SDC is working with Universal Display, to adopt the company's blue PHOLED system. This is progressing, but SDC says that the pace is slow - indeed we heard from UDC lately that the introduction of a commercial material will take longer than expected.


SDC is also developing blue TADF based OLED devices. The company says that the performance (efficiency and lifetime) has recently improved significantly, but the company is not yet ready to state a commercialization time line.

In 2022, Samsung Display acquired Cynora, a developed of TADF emitter materials. It is not clear whether SDC is basing its TADF development on Cynora's materials, or whether it collaborate with another TADF developer (such as Kyulux, that stated several times it hopes to commercialize a blue TADF/HF emitter system by 2025).

Last month we published an article detailing the most promising next-generation OLED emitter platforms efforts.

Posted: Aug 15,2024 by Ron Mertens


Samsung only bought the IP not the Company. This is a huge difference.