OLED-Info on Facebook - 2,000 fans!

Today we reached 2,000 fans on Facebook - and I think that's a reason for a small celebration post. So here it is. I'd like to say thanks for all our loyal readers that help us spread the OLED news around. If you're not a fan already, you can hop over to our Facebook page and become one now.

OLEDs are getting more popular by the day. Besides the 2,000 fans on Facebook, we got over 1,100 Twitter followers and over 13,000 newsletter subscribers. Oh, and 50 Google+ friends. So now you can choose your favorite social network and get your OLED news and updates easily...

Posted: Mar 17,2013 by Ron Mertens


I like OLED-info very much, but I can not be your facebook fan because I can not access Facebook. I am from China. what a pity~Anyway, still support you.

Hello Ron,

Congratulations for reching this mile stone. Keep up the good work.

Regards from the team at Philips Lumiblade,

Dietmar Thomas

You still have a long ways to go with the numbers. My neighbor's flatulent cat has over a million Facebook fans.

I guess cat's are more popular than OLEDs :-)