LG Electronics officially launched its 2025 OLED TV range, with 4 different series. The higher-end G5 and M5 models adopt a new WOLED panel design that increases the number of stacks to 4 (previous models used 3 stacks) which increases brightness and efficiency. Interestingly, none of these TVs use a microLens array (MLA).
So LG's OLED M5 is the company's flagship wireless 4K 144Hz OLED for 2025. The M5 will be offered in 65", 77", 83" and 97" sizes. The OLED G5 is the second top-of-the-line TV, with 4K 165Hz panels (144Hz on the 48-inch and 97-inch models), offered in a wide range of sizes (48", 55", 65", 77", 83" and 97").
The more budget-friendly OLED C5, the company's mainstream OLED TV range, offers 4K 144Hz WOLED panels in a wide range of sizes (42", 48", 55", 65", 77" and 83"). The OLED B5, the entry-level OLED TV range for 2025 offers 4K 120Hz WOLED panels, and will be available in 48", 55", 65", 77" and 83".
All of LG's 2025 OLED TVs will be powered by WebOS 25, and new Alpha processors. LG Electronics will share the pricing and availability of all of its 2025 OLED TVs in the Spring of 2025.