OLED materials companies - Page 9

Shaanxi Light Optoelectronic (LTOPTO)

Xian LumChem logoShaanxi Light Optoelectronic (previously LumChem Optoelectronics ) is headquartered in the Xi'an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone in China.

The company develops, produces and markets pharmaceutical intermediates, OLED intermediates and high-pure electronic chemicals.

Shine Materials Technology

Shine Materials Technology logoEstablished in 2011 in Taiwan, Shine Materials Technology produces organic electronic materials, with a focus on OLED display materials.

Shine Materials currently produces intermediate OLED materials, TADF emitters, OLED stack materials and also offers custom synthesis services.


SmartKem is an early-stage UK-based company that develops a new class of flexible high-mobility p-type semiconductor inks for flexible displays.

Smartkem provides customized solutions involving molecular synthesis, electronic prototyping and on-site technology transfer support. In November 2013 the company announced a joint-development agreement with a major Asian display maker. In August 2014 SmartKem raised million Euro from BASF ventures and other investors. In total the company raised $37 million so far.

Solaris Chem

Canada-based Solaris Chem, develops and produces organic materials for the semiconductors and electronic industry and for academical R&D.

Solaris Chem offers materials (intermediates) for OLEDs, OPVs and OTFTs.


SolOLED, established in 2021 in the UK, develops a family of novel solution-based TADF OLED emitter, based on technology that was developed at the University of St. Andrews.

In 2022, SolOLED secured 200,000 GBP in new funding from Scottish Enterprise and has initiated a collaborative research project with CENSIS to commercialize its novel materials.

Solus Advanced Materials

Doosan logoSolus Advanced Materials (previously Doosan Solus), spun-off from Doosan Electro Materials in 2019, is producing materials for the electronics industry, the health and beauty industry and the battery industry.

For the OLED industry, Solus is producing HBL, ETL, EIL and other materials - and it is developing blue and green host materials. Solus is also researching new materials such as TADF emitters and quantum dots.


In 2015 Doosan signed a business arrangement and cross-patent agreement with Idemitsu Kosan to cooperate on OLED manufacturing.

SSK Biosciences

SSK Biosciences, established in 2013 in India, performs research and development work and manufacturing intermediates and API’s mostly for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

For the OLED industry, SSK offers chemical R&D services, and has experience in synthesizing OLED materials, including phosphorescent host materials,  electron transport / hole blocking layer (ETL / HBL) compounds and fluorescent host compounds.

Summer Sprout Technology

Summer Sprout logoSummer Sprout Technology, established in June 2017, develops OLED materials and technologies. The company develops almost all OLED stack materials, including HIL, HTL, EBL, ETL, hosts and emitters.

Summer Sprout raised almost $15 million in its first financing round to establish material R&D labs in Beijing, China. The company is building a production center in Taixing, Jiangsu province - with support from the local governments (to the tune of $71 million).