This is a guest post by Sri Peruvemba
From large outdoor interactive screens on buildings to tiny displays in a wristwatch, the display industry has created applications and entire industries over the past 60 years, transforming our entire society. Just take a look at laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and other handheld devices, which were all possible thanks to display technology innovation.
Older TV’s took half the space in your room; now they are like a painting on the wall, and in some cases thinner than a portrait frame. Modern displays are everywhere now - from the back of the seat in an airplane and taxicab, to stadiums and other public venues, tiny kiosks that serve one person at a time, and of course, medical devices, military vehicles, and more. Display innovation can also be found in factory equipment, oil rigs, trains, trucks and boats and airplanes. Other unique display applications include displays embedded in a credit card. Innovators in this industry are displacing shelf labels in stores, printed signs, and printed timetables at bus stops and train stations.