Philips' Lumiblade Living Shapes: the 2nd generation "OLED wall"
In 2010 Philips showed a beautiful OLED installation called The OLED Wall, made from lot's of small lumiblade OLED panels, which featured a mirror-like visualization using a camera. Today Philips unveiled the 2nd generation wall, called Lumiblade Living Shapes - which also offers a mirror-like feature, and can also display text information.
The new Living Shapes is made from modular OLED units - each has 16 OLED panels (4x4), and each OLED panel is a 5x5.5 cm in size. The company is showing one version (shown above) that features 72 modules (1,152 OLED tiles in total) - they say it's the world's largest OLED lighting product (but it's not the largest OLED product - Mitsubishi's 6-meter OLED GeoGlobe has 10,362 PMOLED displays!).