BOE progresses with the construction of its 8.6-Gen flexible AMOLED line in Chengdu

Towards the end of 2023, BOE officially announced its plans for a 8.6-Gen flexible LTPO AMOLED line in Chengdu. The agreement with Chengdu's local government was signed in early 2024, and in April BOE announced it is starting to construct the new fab.

Yesterday it was reported that BOE finished the construction of the main outer structure in this project, and the construction of other buildings is progressing well. BOE is on track to finish the fab by May 2026, with mass production expected by October 2026 - and full production in 2029.

The total investment in the fab is expected to reach 63 billion Yuan (over $8.7 billion USD). The fab will have a capacity of 32,000 monthly substrates (2290x2620 mm).

BOE is already producing laptop OLEDs, but the new fab will increase its capacity dramatically, and many analysts expect the demand for OLEDs in the IT market to soar in the near future. BOE recently announced its latest smartphone AMOLED Panels, and said it produced over 100 million flexible AMOLEDs in 2023 to date.

Posted: Sep 07,2024 by Ron Mertens