Pixelligent secures a significant strategic capital investment from Henkel

Pixelligent Technologies announced that it has secured a significant strategic capital investment from Henkel AG & Co. Henkel, a leader in adhesives, sealants, functional coatings and consumer goods, will also assist Pixelligent with its global infrastructure and sales force.

Pixelligent OLED materials slide - 2024

Pixelligent is an advanced materials company that delivers next generation optical materials applications in lighting and displays. For the OLED industry, Pixelligent offers materials that significantly increase light output by increasing the refractive index of materials in the device.


In January 2024, we posted an interview with Pixelligent's President and CEO, Craig Bandes. In 2022, Pixelligent raised $45 million.



Posted: Sep 10,2024 by Ron Mertens