Meta reportedly cancels its plans to release a high-end VR headset

According to reports, Meta has decided to cancel one of its VR projects that was planned for 2027. This device was to be a high-end product, similar to Apple's Vision Pro - with a similar high price tag. Following the poor market reaction for Apple's Vision Pro, Meta decided to scrap the project.

Oculus Rift photo

The original Oculus Rift

Meta was planning to use OLED microdisplays in its upcoming high-end headset, as these are the best performing displays for such products. It is reported that one of the reasons that Meta is not proceeding with its project is the high price of the OLEDs. These are expensive displays indeed - according to some estimates, Apple is paying $350 for each display, which means around $700 for each headset. On the other hand, it is estimated that OLED microdisplay prices are set to drop sharply in the near future as new capacity comes online, and new players (including Samsung and LGD) start producing displays. 


It is further reported that Meta is still developing other VR headsets, including the Meta Quest 4 which is expected to launch in 2026 with a price tag of around $500. The company's latest VR headset adopted lower-cost LCD displays.

There are reports that Apple has approached both Samsung and LG regarding the future supply of OLED microdisplays, although other reports suggest that Apple has cancelled its plans to develop a 2nd-generation Vision Pro.

The VR and AR markets are both very important markets for many OLED developers. Our OLED Toolbox is an excellent way to learn more about the different producers, supply chain companies and technologies that are being developed.

Posted: Aug 25,2024 by Ron Mertens